The #Taurus personality is one of the most easily recognizable of the Zodiac Signs.
#Taurus cenderung sensitif dalam banyak hal, dan hal tsb membuat perasaan
mereka sering terluka.
A #Taurus friend is exceptionally loyal.
#Taurus adalah pribadi yg tidak suka menunggu hal yg tidak jelas
A #Taurus strong will and determination mark them
from the other zodiac signs. Never say Never is a #Taurus motto.
Lahir Bulan Mei :
Keras kepala dan Berkemauan keras dan memiliki motivasi tinggi, Memiliki
pemikiran tajam
#Taurus are sensitive & very aware of their lovers needs.
#Taurus mencintai segala sesuatu yg bersifat humoris
Sometimes #Taurus can be impatient wanting immediate results.
#Taurus suka membuat orang tertawa,ceria dan itu membuat mereka merasa
nyaman untuk membuat orang lain merasa nyaman.
If you want a #Taurus, you have to be an interesting person.
Ayam (1969, 1981,
1993) - Pekerja keras; tegas dalam mengambil keputusan dan tipe orang pemaaf
It's hard to tell
that a #Taurus is a lonely soul, but trust me, they are.
#Taurus tidak suka hal yg tidak pasti.
Sometime, the patience
imbibed in every #Taurus also works against them.
#Taurus akan cepat bosan jika Anda setuju dengan semua yang mereka katakan.
#Taurus love spending leisure time lingering at whatever pleases them.
lahir pada tanggal
15, 20 & 26: Orang yg sangat romantis,berani dan sangat suka berkumpul
bersama teman
#Taurus feel strongly about what they believe in. They take a steadfast
& patient approach to life.
#Taurus adalah orang yg cenderung suka bekerja keras
Sometimes a #Taurus can be absurdly over-cautious and
exasperatingly deliberate.
#Taurus yang terbuka dan ramah di luar
#Taurus back is strong enough to support their partners concerns as well as
their own.
Kebanyakan #Taurus adalah pribadi yg kreatif, suka bergaul,
mudah beradaptasi dan humoris
Obedience comes easy
to a #Taurus, but if nagged they make a stand.
#Taurus adalah tipe pribadi yang mudah bosan, murah hati dan tidak mudah
#Taurus can be controlling & love to experiment. When it comes to
making love, take advantage of both those assets.
#Taurus adalah pribadi yg tegas, bertanggung jawab dan Murah senyum
#Taurus signs are direct and down to earth and appreciate the same in
#Taurus sangat jelas tentang apa yang mereka inginkan dari hidup dan
memiliki tekad untuk mewujudkannya.
#Taurus are people who will rather make large sacrifices of time and
energy, rather than fail those who have confided in them.
#TAURUS adalah orang yang sangat bersahabat, setia dan sangat peduli
terhadap teman-temannya
#Taurus have their own idea about love and afraid to show their true
feeling for fear of rejection.
Cara untuk mendapat
hati #Taurus adalah menjadi org yg humoris dan jujur.
Love is in a #Taurus mind, but freedom is in their soul.
#Taurus mempunyai kharisma yang bisa dibanggakan, berwibawa dan
berkepribadian dewasa
A #Taurus works best when spurred by necessity or
when inspired by the love of others.
#Taurus sangat bersahabat dan tidak akan pernah sengaja mencelakai temannya
#Taurus passions are slow to focus . But when they have a clear view you
better watch out.
#Taurus loves animals and likes to surround by animals.
#Taurus adalah pribadi yg banyak dikagumi oleh teman-temannya dan pribadi
yg setia
#Taurus must use their gifted mouth on all occasions. It's just too good to
be kept a secret!
A #Taurus refuse to be hustled or frightened or
pushed into any false position by anyone.
If you want a wife
who stays home, a #Taurus is not for you. They prefer to work
outside of home!
#Taurus will take their time deciding what they wants. And never give up
until they get it.
#Taurus know all the arts of seduction. They know what they want & will
tell you without hesitation.
#Taurus are ardent & affectionate but also difficult & demanding.
#Taurus have an irresistible air of mystery that draws others to them.
#Taurus must be touched to be turned on.
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